Published Books & Chapters by Members of Journal of Psychiatry Reform Editorial Board

Journal of Psychiatry Reform Vol 11 #4 February 14, 2022


Ana Hategan MD, FRCPC

Clinical Professor Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University


Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Gangji A, Woo T. Eds.: Psychonephrology: A Guide to Principles and                       Practice. Springer; Dec 20, 2021; ISBN                 978-3-030-84739-5.

 Hategan A, Saperson K, Harms S, Waters H. Eds.: Humanism and Resilience in Residency Training: A              Guide to Physician Wellness. Springer, 25 June 2020; ISBN 978-3-030-45626-9.

McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine. 2020-2021. Kraków: Medycyna Praktyczna. Section Editors:  Hategan A, Kates N.

Fenn H, Hategan A, Bourgeois JA. Eds.: Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry – Optimum Care, Emerging Limitations, and Realistic Goals. Springer; June 13, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-10400-9.

Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Cheng T, Young J. Editors and Authors: Geriatric Psychiatry Study Guide – Mastering the Competencies. Springer; May 26, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-77127-4.

Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch CH, Giroux C. Eds.: Geriatric Psychiatry: A Case-Based Textbook. Springer; April 17, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-67554-1.

Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch CH. Eds.: On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry: Handbook of Principles and Practice. Springer; April 14, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-30344-4.

Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Xiong G. Eds.: Borderline Personality Disorder in Older Adults: Emphasis on Care in Institutional Settings. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY; May 2015. ISBN 978-1-63482-221-3.

Bourgeois JA, Parthasarathi U, Hategan A. Eds.: Psychiatry Review and Canadian Certification Exam Preparation Guide. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Washington DC, 2012. ISBN 978-1-58562-432-4.


Caroline Giroux MD, FRCPC

Health Sciences Clinical Professor Department of Psychiatry And Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Davis.


Giroux C., Smith WE, Psychotherapy in Late Life. In : Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C, Giroux C. « Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry : Case Studies ». Springer, 2018. (Note: This textbook ranked among top 10 in the world in both specialties (psychiatry and neurology) in less than 1 year since issued)

Giroux C., Smith WE, Personality disorders in Late Life. In : Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C, Giroux C. « Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry : Case Studies ». Springer, 2018.

Giroux C, Sciolla AF, Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders in Late Life. In : Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C, Giroux C. « Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry : Case Studies ». Springer, 2018.

Bourgeois J., Giroux C., Psychosomatic Medicine. In : Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C, Giroux C. « Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry : Case Studies ». Springer, 2018.

Giroux C., Disaster Psychiatry. In: Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C. “On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry Handbook: Principles and Practice”.  Springer, 2016.

Giroux C., Smith WE., Psychotherapy Principles. In: Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C. “On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry Handbook: Principles and Practice”. Springer, 2016.

Giroux C., Veltman A., Gatkowsky L., Paech NK., The Complaints of Physical and Sexual Trauma: A trauma-Informed Approach for Geriatric Patients. In: Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Hirsch C. “On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry Handbook: Principles and Practice”. Springer, 2016.

Giroux C., Bein A., Xiong G.: Borderline Personality in Older Adults: Challenges and Considerations for Institutional Settings.  In: Hategan A, Bourgeois JA, Xiong G. « Borderline Personality Disorder in Older Adults: Emphasis on Care in Institutional Settings ». Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2015.

Kenkel L, Giroux C, Psychotherapies and Other Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Geriatric Inpatients. In: Fenn H, Hategan A, Bourgeois J. “Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry”. Springer, June 2019.


Alan Eppel MA, MB, FRCPC

Professor Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University


Eppel AB, Pedersen S, MacKay J, Szathmary T. Partners in Healing: Perspectives on the Experience of Psychiatry. McMaster University Press 1999.

Eppel AB. Sweet Sorrow: Love, Loss and Attachment in Human Life. Karnac Pub. 2009.

Eppel AB. Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Springer 2018.

Eppel AB. The Difficult Patient. McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine. Kraków: Medycyna Praktyczna 2018.

Eppel AB. Marfisi L. Difficult Patient Encounters. Psychonephrology. Eds: Hategan A, Bourgeois J, Gangji A, Woo T. Springer 2022.

Eppel AB. Harder E, Wagner F. Community Mental Health Clinic Treatment Streaming Model in “What Works”. Eds: Duplessis G, McCrea M, Viscoff C, Doupe S.  Canadian Scholars Press Inc. Toronto 1993.

Eppel AB. Contributing author: Phobias: The Psychology of Irrational Fear. Eds: McCabe R, Milosevic I. Greenwood 2015

Swinson RP, Eppel AB. Anxiety and related disorders in medical settings. McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine. Kraków: Medycyna Praktyczna 2018.