Psychotherapy Courses for Fall and Winter 2020 and 2021
Alan Eppel MB, FRCPC
Course 2020 PSZ1
The Evolution of Psychodynamic and Emotion Focused Psychotherapies.
Twelve sessions 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 1600 to1730 hrs.
1.0 Foundational Sciences
1.1 attachment theory evolution and precursors in object relations theory
1.2 affective neuroscience of emotion, consciousness, and self-representation
1.3 cognitive neuroscience and its application to psychotherapy
2.0 Psychotherapy Processes
2.1 classic papers
2.2 common and specific factors in psychotherapy
2.3 research studies and outcomes
3.0 Psychodynamic & Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapies
3.1 key concepts and the origins of current practice
3.2 key interventions and strategies
3.3 the therapeutic alliance & the real relationship
3.4 the first session
3.5 the engagement phase
3.6 emotion processing & thematic phase
3.7 termination
Course 2020 PSZ2
Application of Advanced Psychotherapy Approaches
Twelve sessions 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 1900 to2030 hrs.
4.0 Doing Psychotherapy
4.1 therapeutic strategies
4.2 analysis of written and video case histories
4.3 psychotherapy integration & transtheoretical concepts
5.0 Civilization and its Discontents
5.1 psychodynamics and society
5.2 psychodynamics and culture
5.3 psychodynamics and racism
5.4 psychodynamics and intergroup conflict
5.5 psychodynamics sexuality and gender
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- enhance their level of knowledge and skills and competence in the practice of psychodynamic and experiential psychotherapy.
- gain an understanding of the foundational psychotherapy sciences
- apply relevant concepts of attachment theory to psychotherapy
- acquire knowledge of the underlying neuroscientific basis of emotions and human behaviour.
- identify common and specific therapeutic factors
- identify key psychotherapeutic processes.
- compare and contrast different modalities of psychotherapy.
- integrate interventions from differing modalities.
- critically review publications
- synthesize new information
- apply knowledge gained to clinical practice.
- analyse published case histories.
- identify the range of psychotherapeutic interventions as portrayed in video
Time of Sessions
Course 2020 PSZ1 The 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 1600 to1730 hrs.
Course 2020 PSZ2 The 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 1900 to2030 hrs.
- discussion of readings and videos interactive format
- invited facilitators
- advanced psychotherapy interventions
- role-play
- case histories video analysis, TV or Cinema
- interactive format
- invited facilitators
- advanced psychotherapy interventions
- role-play